Thursday, June 18, 2009

How To Train A Puppy Review

How To Train A Puppy: Establishing a Time For a Puppy To Go Potty

Once a puppy understands where he is supposed to go potty, often the next step is teaching his body a bit of self control. Puppies can actually hold the need to go potty for an excess of 12 hours, so you just have to be able to tap in to that ability. You first need to figure out what your schedule is before you can establish your puppy’s. Determine what times of the day you will be able to take him out and make sure it’s a schedule that you can maintain every day of the week. If you take him out early one morning and then later on the next, the puppy will never know when it’s truly time to go

. Adjust the puppy’s eating time according to when you plan on letting him out. If you notice that the puppy is starting to whine and it’s not time for him to go yet, try taking his mind off his problem by playing ball with him or doing some type of activity. If he’s able to forget that he has to go potty, he will subconsciously be training his body to hold in its waste. If you can, let the puppy sleep in the same room with you so it understands when “sleep time” and “play time” is. The puppy will start to abide are your schedule and will therefore start to figure out its own along the way. How To Crate Train A Puppy